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Diagnosis and therapy of skin diseases
Dermatology is the medical art of detecting and treating skin diseases. The skin is the largest human organ and consists of many different biological components, all of which can be the starting point for diseases.
In addition, the skin is the “mirror of our soul” and disturbances of our mental equilibrium or diseases inside the body can be reflected on the skin.
Skin diseases have more or less characteristic appearances, which often only experienced dermatologists can recognize and assign a specific disease. This often requires additional diagnostic methods, such as tissue examination or functional testing.
Optical-electronic diagnostic methods such as digital incident light microscopy or photodynamic diagnostics also improve reliability in the detection of diseases and functional disorders.
Many skin diseases are not life-threatening, but can have a major impact on the quality of life. Fear of social exclusion and depression are common consequences.
The need for effective drugs and treatment methods is therefore very high and results in the constant further development of therapeutic options.
Continuous medical training is therefore a basic requirement for participating in advances in medicine.
Prevention of skin cancer through early detection and treatment
Everyone knows that the sun and its UV radiation, especially sunburns, damage the skin. Every year millions of sun worshipers ignore all warnings. For decades, dermatologists have preached that there is no such thing as a healthy tan. If you want to get tanned, you have to accept damage to the genetic make-up of your skin cells. These add up over time until the cells multiply in an uncontrolled manner at some point. The resulting skin cancer has different faces.
More than 2,800 Swiss fall ill every year "black" skin cancer, ie malignant melanoma, the most dangerous type of skin cancer. Malignant skin tumors are characterized by uninhibited growth regardless of the adjacent organs and the settlement of daughter cells that form daughter tumors (metastases) in other parts of the body. The "black skin cancer" (malignant melanoma) is considered to be the most malignant tumor of all. Twenty percent of all sick people die from it. The disease can be treated well in the early stages - early detection is therefore vital.
In addition to malignant melanoma, two other types of disease are mainly distinguished in skin cancer, basal cell cancer (also known as basalioma) and squamous cell cancer (the so-called spinal cell carcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma). While basalioma is the most common and does not metastasize at all, it can develop in squamous cell cancer, the second most common (malignant light-colored) skin cancer. If the cancer is detected early, the chances of a cure are good in both cases.
Special care for sensitive acne patients Acne - a brief explanation
Acne is one of the most common skin diseases.
It occurs especially in young people. In a little more than half of the cases, treatment with over-the-counter products is sufficient.
If the course is more severe, medical therapy with medication for external or internal use is necessary.
If you suffer from acne, you should make sure to use pH-neutral washing lotions or water-based soaps and moisturizers instead of oily or greasy creams for skin care. Make-up and sunscreens should also be as fat-free as possible.
Acne is one of the most common Skin diseases . Around 85 percent of the population has already been affected. Due to the hormonal changes during puberty, acne mainly occurs in adolescents from the age of nine. Almost every teenager has noticed the characteristic blackheads and pimples on their face. The disease usually subsides by the third decade of life. If acne occurs in adults over the age of 25, it is called acne tarda, late acne or adult acne.
In around 40 percent, on the other hand, there is a more pronounced form, the so-called clinical acne. It can last until the end of the second decade or beyond and requires treatment by a dermatologist (specialist in dermatology). If the medication is stopped too early, the patient will relapse and the therapy will start all over again. Therefore, if the acne is largely under control, the doctor will prescribe maintenance therapy. This can take a few years or even longer to reach the natural regression phase at the end of the second and the beginning of the third decade of life.
Acne can be a heavy burden not only on the body but also on the soul. This is especially the case with the very severe forms. Papules, pustules and lumps - especially on the face - can be cosmetically very annoying and reduce personal self-esteem. In the case of severe acne, because of these psychosocial factors, you should definitely consult a dermatologist who, if necessary, also consults a colleague from the psychosomatic department.
Diagnosis and therapy of sexually transmitted diseases
Even in today's enlightened world, sexually transmitted diseases pose a great danger. The number of sexually transmitted diseases has been increasing again significantly for about 10 years. It is estimated that around 17 million people are newly infected with sexually transmitted diseases in Western Europe every year. For many people, sexually transmitted diseases are still a taboo subject that is reluctant to discuss with others. Knowledge of the transmission routes, dangers and risks of the various sexually transmitted diseases is extremely important in order to protect yourself against infections and to be able to react quickly and adequately in the event of a possible infection.
The most common sex diseases that are diagnosed and treated in our practices are:
Genital warts (Condylomata acuminata)
Syphilis (syphilis)
Chlamydia (urethritis)
Genital herpes
Dellular warts (Mollusca contagiosa)
Fungal diseases of the genital mucous membranes (balanitis, vulvovaginitis)
Urethritis (trichomonads, ureaplasma ...)
Bacterial vaginosis
Genital herpes
Pubic lice (phthiriasis)
Granuloma inguinale (venereum)
Ulcer molle
bacterial pyoderma
Skin diseases associated with HIV infection and AIDS
Hepatitis B + C
Although most STIs today can be treated and often cured, the dangers should not be underestimated. Possible complications or long-term effects are chronic courses, sterility when trying to have children, neurological involvement, rheumatic secondary diseases and much more.
Sexually transmitted diseases, as the name suggests, are transmitted through any type of sexual intercourse involving the exchange of body fluids. Bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites or worms are the triggers. The pathogen detection of these causative germs is usually possible from body fluids such as blood, semen, vaginal fluid, purulent urethral secretions, vesicle contents and mucous membrane secretions. For this purpose, smears are taken from the corresponding body regions such as the urethra (urethra), vaginal mucosa (vulva, vagina), glans (glans penis), anal mucosa, etc. In addition, some sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis, genital herpes, HIV infection, hepatitis B + C, chlamydial urethritis can be diagnosed by, for example, antibody determination in the blood.
Therapy after diagnosis of a sexually transmitted disease is then carried out by administering antibiotics, antivirals, antimycotics or antiseptics.
If you have a skin change or other complaints in the genital or anal area, please contact us.
Clarification of allergies
Allergic diseases are common and increasing worldwide. About 30-40% of the population are predisposed to develop an allergic disease.
The term allergy comes from the Greek and means "other reaction or external reaction". An allergy is an immunologically defined hypersensitivity reaction of the body to a certain, mostly naturally occurring substance. The allergy is not an immune deficiency, but rather a misdirected, excessive reaction of the immune system.
Various intolerances or pseudoallergies can lead to similar symptoms on the skin and mucous membranes without a previous immunological reaction due to the substance itself.
The interaction between allergens and specific antibodies triggers a reaction in the body. The resulting allergic inflammation can lead to very different symptoms: skin swelling, nettle rash, eczema, itchy or watery eyes, sneezing attacks, dripping nose, obstructed nasal breathing, cough, shortness of breath, abdominal pain, diarrhea and even cardiovascular shock.